Our Staff

Rev. Mike Rattee comes to Farringdon after 8 years as Lead Minister of an Independent Church in Waterloo, ON. Mike is ordained as a North American Baptist Minister, has pastored in four churches, taught in three theological schools, and had three different sales & marketing jobs – all in South Western Ontario. He was educated at Emmanuel Bible College (Kitchener), Tyndale Seminary (Toronto), Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo), and Emmanuel College (University of Toronto).

His greatest passion is to preach and teach the Bible in such a way that people hear from God and are moved to respond to His gracious call on their lives. Mike also loves investing in children and youth so that they “grow up in wisdom, stature, in favour with God & in favour with others.” (Luke 2:42)

Mike is married to Lisa and they have a young son, John, who keeps them running. Lisa, also a Baptist seminary graduate, is gifted in teaching, writing, singing, and Christian spirituality. When not in church, they both enjoy gardening, music, swimming, walking their Cocker Spaniel, and building projects with John.

Do not hesitate to contact Mike if you need spiritual help for you, or your family, or have questions about God and this church. Remember: a burden shared grows lighter and a joy shared grows greater.

Katelyn Hines is our fun-loving youth pastor.

You will find Katelyn involved in our kids programs, running around playing games, sitting with youth, teaching and organizing our family events.

Katelyn is married to Dan. Katelyn loves to share her love with Jesus with all those she encounters.

In her spare time Katelyn loves to do puzzles, hang out at the cottage, play disc golf and loves spend time with family and friends.

Tammy Cole is new to our pastoral staff. She comes to us with many years of experience in the administration world. Known as the mom in whatever office she has worked she brings care and concern for all those she encounters.


Tammy is married to her high school sweetheart Steve of more than 25 years together they have 2 boys, Josh and Aaron.


In her spare time she loves to garden, cycle, walk with their new dog and play the piano.

Pop in and say hello if you are ever in the area.

Derek, originally from Scarborough, Ontario, moved to Brantford at age 11. He began learning piano at 14 and by 16 was performing in local churches. He earned a B.A. (Hon.Mus.) from the University of Waterloo, specializing in church and early keyboard music, and studied with notable musicians such as Elizabeth Keenan and Dr. Leonard Enns. Derek’s work has been featured on CBC radio, and he has published five church anthems. In 2002, he toured British cathedrals and Royal Chapels.

In addition to his musical achievements, Derek has excelled in competitive powerlifting for over 36 years, setting numerous records and winning national and international titles. He is the reigning National Masters Champion in both the Canadian Powerlifting Federation and the Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate. Inducted into the Brant County Sports Hall of Fame in 2016, Derek is a valued member of our Farringdon family.

Annett Holyomes has given over 25 years of her life to the caretaking of Farringdon Church.

You will quite often see her around the church, vacuuming, arranging flowers or setting up for the next event.

She is married to Greg her high school sweetheart. Together they have 2 boys Mason and Parker.

Annett and Greg also have one grandson Jack.

In her spare time Annett likes to work in her garden, travel with bus tours and entertain in her home.

We appreciate her hard work to keep our church looking and feeling clean.